
Apfelwein-Wirtschaft Fichtekränzi

Poleca 26 lokalnych gospodarzy,
5 Wallstraße
Frankfurt am Main, HE

Wskazówki od mieszkańców

January 3, 2014
Frankfurter Apfelweinlokal, nettes Ambiente, gutes Essen / Apple wine and good food
March 16, 2017
In the area of Old Sachsenhausen you will have the chance to get to know the Apfelweinculture (apple wine, do not mistake it with apple cider). Drink it pure, sour (mixed with sparkling water) or sweet (mixed with orange juice)! Fichtekränzi is one of the oldest restaurants of its kind. Furnished with long tables and benches, Fichtekränzi brings to life the community-style spirit which is so traditional in Germany. People of all kinds sit together, regardless of their social status, ethnicity or beliefs. In Fichtekränzi the mood is enthusiastic – people speak loudly (occasionally you will hear someone singing) and enjoy themselves around typical Frankfurter dishes.
In the area of Old Sachsenhausen you will have the chance to get to know the Apfelweinculture (apple wine, do not mistake it with apple cider). Drink it pure, sour (mixed with sparkling water) or sweet (mixed with orange juice)! Fichtekränzi is one of the oldest restaurants of its kind. Furnished w…
September 12, 2014
Restaurant with typical German dishes
April 17, 2017
Traditional German Restaurant
March 24, 2013
Typical Frankfurt cuisine, lovely in summer with a small garden.

Wyjątkowe sposoby spędzania czasu w okolicy

Frankfurt w ciągu dwóch godzin, krótki, ale zabawny
Wycieczka po niemieckiej wiosce i starym zamku
Odkryj niezwykłą kulturę Frankfurtu

Polecane przez mieszkańców