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Jak można dokonać rezerwacji dla współpracowników

Once your company has joined Airbnb for Work, you can designate yourself as a business traveler, and you can request reservations for your colleagues. We’ll send them an email inviting them to accept the booking. 

Travel managers or trip planners in your company can accept bookings for other employees.

Adding a trip planner

As a travel admin, you can add a trip planner from the People tab on your company’s Airbnb for Work dashboard. First, invite them to join your employer’s Airbnb for Work program. Once they’ve joined, you can change their role from a traveler to a trip planner from the dashboard.

Now they can make reservation requests and confirm trips for colleagues. When you request a reservation for a colleague, we'll send them an email inviting them to accept the booking.

Learn more about managing company travel.

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